Stitching Bloggers Birthday Club – How it Works
I have lifted these from the old Blog as I said before “if it ain't broke don’ fix it” and Becky put it so well that I am sticking to her basic guidelines… here goes……
This Blog is for the B-Day club to use. I will add you as a member when you sign-up/send your information for the club so that you will have access to posting rights.
To sign-up, please e-mail me with your information at edgarmatt @ gmail . com (remove spaces) with your information (Name, mailing address, birth date, blog url, and a wishlist or your likes/interest).
HOW THIS CLUB WORKS: You sign up and receive a name for a Birthday and you are responsible for sending that person a gift. You don’t stitch/buy for everyone – just the name you receive. That way we can all participate and receive a gift on our B-days but not feel pressured to send to everyone or have the expense that is sometimes involved. J
The Guidelines are fairly simple….. When you sign up – you must stay in the program/club a full year and/or until your gift is sent to the name you receive. You are required to send the gift by the recipients Birthday. There are no requirements as to how much or how little you send or the dollar amount you spend – that is left up to each individual – however keep in mind you may not receive as much as you send. Information will be available to you as to what the person you are sending to likes, to help you decide what to send. It will be a secret as to who is sending to whom. You will receive all the information you need from me after sing-ups for the club have closed.
PLEASE post to the Blog when you have mailed out your gift to your secret recipient…and …also when you receive a gift from your secret sender, so that I can mark you down as complete. An e-mail of thanks would be nice as well. To keep this fair if you fail to follow through with your commitment of sending to your name, you will be removed from the club without the opportunity to rejoin.
If you are interested and to make sure you get to participate in the 2008 BBC, please send your info to me at the email above NO later then December 7, 2008. The program will officially start in January 2008. ALL Stitching Bloggers are welcome to participate; this is an international club so everyone is welcome!!!!!
Thank you for your interest and encouragement!!!!! Please share the link/info on your blog so that all our friends that want to join will have the opportunity.